Continuous Learning

2 min readNov 24, 2020

Nowadays, we are constantly discovering new cyber vulnerabilities as well as exploitation techniques.

The cybersecurity industry is constantly adapting to manage cybercriminals’ evolving strategies. That’s why it’s crucial for everyone in this domain to update their skills frequently and possess a sense of curiosity in order to excel in it.

In fact, and according to ESG/ISSA’s annual research report, The Life and Times of Cybersecurity Professionals 2018, 93% of the cybersecurity professionals surveyed have agreed that they “must keep up with their skills or else the organizations they work for will be at a significant disadvantage against cyber-attackers”.

Cybersecurity professionals and enthusiasts need to keep up with evolving technologies and develop the habit of continuous learning.

What is continuous learning?

Continuous learning is the process of learning new skills and knowledge on a daily basis. It can be in the form of course taking or even social learning. It also involves self-initiative and taking on challenges.

Benefits of continuous learning

- Developing new skills and knowledge increases personal performance or competence.

- Additional training or education can help you reach your goals faster.

- Pursuing extracurricular interests can open the door to new opportunities.

Students and Professionals should be encouraged to always learn and never stagnate on any level. The most successful people in the cybersecurity field regularly dedicate time to continuous learning.

Here are some tips for you to develop this important habit:

  • Attend cybersecurity events and meetups. You will be able to exchange experiences with people with the same interests as you and also hear from experts on how they handle problems that occur in the domain.
  • Participate in CTF’s (Capture The Flag’s). There’s no better way than learning on the spot and applying what you have learned to different challenges. There’s a multitude of online CTF’s you can partake in, so don’t hesitate and do your best to solve as many problems as you can.
  • Google is your friend! It is full of valuable resources that would help you improve your cybersecurity skills as well as understand basic or difficult concepts. Just make sure you gather your information from valid resources.
  • Take an internship. It’s an excellent way to gain knowledge and have real hands-on experience. You will learn how to work in a professional environment and what it takes to excel in this industry.

Having that innate desire to constantly learn new things is critical to success in the cybersecurity field. And remember, if you stop learning, you stop growing!

By: Neila Damak

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